Abi Slee
My passion is exercise from the late 1980s I have worked in the health and fitness industry as a group exercise and gym instructor, personal trainer and trained anatomy & Physiology holistic massager. I have coached and advised 1000’s of clints to help keep them active and help motivate selfcare and health “my strong understanding of the body and mind, my passion is to help , coach, train and guide as I want to help all my clients to feel confident and able to stretch their limits.” My personal style is naturally dynamic, iam able to adjust to my clients needs and capabilities, I am particularly empathetic with clients who have suffered from injury, as I can relate to this.
I coach and help people to shift their mindset from being just about the physical to focus on their mental health, with movement, nutrition with a focus on lifestyle choices you will become stronger, fitter, healthier and happier.
When you do have one of these days when you are struggling for motivation , always remind yourself you never regret a doing a walk a dance or yoga , you always feel better afterwards.
I love working with the Corporate sector I have brought yoga practices to many businesses in Bristol and North Somerset. I have helped them become physically and mentally stronger, focusing on breathing, balance and nourishing the body and mind. I teach balance in life covering meditation, breath, flow, balancing postures, stretches and relaxation for everyone, from beginners to experienced. I am passionate about the subtler aspects of yoga and its philosophy and emphasis on breath as the main axis of life, balance and practice in everything we do can get you to your happy place to reduce stress from your life.
I have two teenage boys and our house is always busy with lots of sport and dirty football boots! I love spending time with my husband, family and friends, I enjoy cooking and entertaining and having a full house. I have spent many happy times in Majorca and consider that to be my happy place.